Wednesday 25th May 2011
Sometimes the most enjoyable time spent in the garden is when you don't really have anything specific to do. Increasingly as I spend more time in other peoples gardens, I realise just how much I like my own. The urge to learn all I can about horticulture, means I'm under scrutiny most of the week, and therefore when I'm pottering about on my own, it is more relaxing than it ever was before. Yesterday was a good case in point, I put a couple of hours study in after breakfast, and then the rest of the day was my own. A little gentle potting on and some light watering (hasn't this wind dried everything out?) was all it amounted to, and a feeling of peace and contentment descended upon me, at least until the children got home!
I spotted this cow parsley as I walked Chum and thought how beautiful it was, it's an umbellifer , I love the plant and the name (very popular at Chelsea this year too ), must grow some of the decorative types next spring.
"Beside the noble art of getting things done, there is a nobler art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials"
Lin Yutang
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