Wednesday 4th May 2011
The chilly breeze that has plagued us the last few days, quietly died away during the night, it took the clouds with it and we awake this morning to a reminder that winter wasn't that long ago. The garden centres will be rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of all the gullible people who they tempted into purchasing tender plants too early.
Settled on what to plant in the second basket, I used scented pelargoniums in the middle, poached eggs at the front, two bunny tail grasses at the back and morning glory at the sides to trail and climb. A bit of a hotch-potch I know, but at least I've grown it myself.
Spent some time potting on again, gave my baby horse chestnuts some more room and pricked out the only two successful pepper seedlings and brought them back inside. I don't think I'll get any fruit otherwise, so they can live with the chillies. Both the sweetcorn and the cucumbers have germinated so what with the baby courgettes the window sills are getting a little cramped again.
Finally I gave the lawn a greening treatment, it is slowly getting better, but only with a lot of tender care, it's not surprising that non-gardeners hate them. Took a few photos as a record, May is certainly one of the prettiest months.
"sweet May hath come to love us, flowers, trees, their blossoms don, and through the blue heavens above us, the very clouds move on"
Heinrich Heine
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