Wednesday 11th May 2011
Made the most of a free day yesterday by ensuring that all the new summer bedding was well settled in, it was surprising just how dry the pots were considering the heavy rain showers we have been having this week. I mixed some blood, fish and bone in with each arrangement, which should mean that everything gets off to a good start. In general I don't feed my plants, if the soil is good and gets mulched with organic matter once a year, they shouldn't really need it. The veg pots will be another matter though, I expect I will have to feed the tomatoes and cucumbers at least.
The grass has taken advantage of the extra moisture on offer this week and taken me by surprise with the vigour of its growth. I had to empty the cuttings basket three times, for my little lawn! However, dare I say it, I think I have achieved stripes!
"Breathless, we flung us on a windy hill, laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass"
Rupert Brooke
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