Tuesday 10th May 2011
Well the volunteer army really got stuck in at Tate House, the weather was perfect and everyone was keen. We started on the veg patch first, dug it over, removed any stones and fed in some mushroom compost, cleared away the weeds around the edges and then the planting could begin. In the shady end of the bed went my home-grown spinach and pak choi seedlings, then a row of little gem lettuces, then I sowed a row of radish and a row of mixed leaves. Finally a row of nasturtiums went in because I like them, and you can eat them honest! Meanwhile at the sunny end Jack and Judy were busy with onions, carrots , celery and parsley. I also sowed into modules a collection of brassicas and some marigolds, which make great companion plants to ward off the nasties. The next couple of hours (after a very good lunch), were spent giving the pots and borders a good weeding. There is still much to do, but at least the surface has been well and truly scratched, many thanks to Lynne and John for making us all feel so welcome. All in all not bad for the first day.
"light is the task where many share the toil"
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