Thursday 5th May 2011
I've finally been given the go ahead to put spade to soil at Tate House, who need their garden re-designing for the residents who are blind or partially sighted, (despite the fact that ASDA couldn't be bothered to send them a reference for me, after over nine years of honest toil, it's a good job I wasn't applying for a paid position, cheers guys ). The first task will be to get the vegetable patch up and running, to which end I've started sowing seeds again, more cucumber and courgettes, also squash Sweet Dumpling and pumpkins. I will share the plants out between myself and family, and Southlands too. By the time they are ready to plant out it should be early June, if they get a whiff of frost they just collapse into mush, so I think it will be safe by then. There's no room left for them inside so the cold frame is back in action-it will be interesting to see if they germinate as quickly as they did on the windowsill.
Just got time to give the Aubretia a hair cut, doing this after flowering helps it to keep a compact bushy shape, before I go to vote on my way to Southlands, then it's the dentist with the kids and straight home to cook tea. However did I find the time to go to work!
Very appropriate quote for me today!
"Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for the love of it"
Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862
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