Bumpy hedge, bumpy old dog. |
Sometimes when you're gardening you have to be cruel to be kind, ultimately to improve a failing or wayward plant. Giles and I set out to amend two such specimens yesterday. The first being the small box hedge which runs from the entrance to the apple store, it had become badly misshapen with bulges and splits everywhere, admittedly it hadn't been helped by the old eucalyptus tree falling on it during felling last year. The only way we could correct it was by cutting it in half and allowing for re-growth, pretty drastic action but I think it actually looks better than we expected, although it will be some years before it is whole again.
Secondly we had to help out one of the apple trees, burdened with a heavy crop and susceptible to wind rock the poor thing had just keeled over. We cut out a lot of the top growth and propped it up with a natural stake, hopefully if we give it a high phosphorus feed it will grow stronger roots and stay put.
Monday is yew hedge cutting day and I've been warned to have a big breakfast!
"Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong" Leo F. Buscaqlia
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