Wednesday 18 May 2011

A Dinner Of Herbs

Wednesday 18th May 2011

Finally got back into the garden after going boggle eyed learning about plant oils, fatty acids and bonds between carbon atoms this morning! Hopefully it will all sink in eventually. It was therefore very soothing to tackle planting up the herb containers, here is a list of what went in them.
Two types of lavender-smells lovely and the flowers can be used in baking.
Rosemary-also smells nice, flavours meat dishes, cheese, jellies, and fruit cups.
Bergamot-add the flowers to salads and the leaves to china tea for an earl grey flavour.
Lemon balm-for stuffings, salads and fruit drinks.
Hyssop-a peppery sharp flavour, add leaves to soups and casseroles.
Sage-well known in stuffing but also great for a sore throat.
Chervil-liquorice flavour used widely in french cuisine.
Tarragon-one of the main components of bearnaise sauce.
Thyme-good with lamb, tomatoes and eggs.
Caraway-seeds used in breads and biscuits.
Parsley- needs no introduction
Alpine strawberry-add the tiny fruit to summer drinks and desserts.
Pineapple mint-for fruit punches or add to ricotta and cream cheese.
Curry plant-which smells of curry but has no culinary uses whatsoever!
I'm not sure if I really planted them for use or ornament, but they will look lovely when grown on a bit. Mum, delivery will be Saturday, along with your grand-daughter!
The second picture is of a well loved children's tv programme called The Herbs, it was one of my favourites as a youngster, so I'm just indulging myself!

"Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted ox and hatred within"
Proverbs 15:17


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