Monday 30 May 2011


Monday 30th May 2011

The weather this weekend has in turns been, cool, rainy, and windy, or a combination of all three. This has meant that the grass and hedge remain uncut, the seedlings will have to be patient a while longer and the weeds have a stay of execution again.
Just managed to squeeze a walk in on Sunday morning, before the tell-tale zig-zag signs of a migraine made their presence felt, and it turned into a humdinger. Three hours back in bed later, and I still felt like a wrung out rag. No chance of finishing the bio-fuels chapter of my studies feeling like that. Some weekends you just have to write off, still it is a bank holiday today so I might get chance to catch up, if only this rain would stop!

"laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion...... I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less clearing up to do afterward"
Kurt Vonnegut Jr


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