After weeks of planning it was finally time to plant Diana's grafted apple trees on Wednesday. Luckily we were blessed with a fine day so the soil was nice ans light for me to lift as I am chief digger! Di sorted through her stock setting aside any promised to other people and those she has decided to plant into the bottom orchard, we will probably plant those next week. She chose eight good looking trees for us to plant next to the new fence and we proceeded to settle them into their new home. It was hard work, but very satisfying to see them in place. Brian got busy making rabbit protection but it will probably take him a while to finish, he is nearly ninety after all! Here are the varieties that went in.
Sturma pippin-A Victorian dessert with good keeping qualities.
Braeburn hilwell-A commercial dessert from New Zealand.
Norfolk honey russet-a dessert with a good sweet flavour
Rosemary russet-I couldn't find anything out about this one!
Ashmeads kernel-A very old apple with a drab appearance but a pear drop flavour.
Chivers delight-A dessert sweet juicy and crunchy.
Annie Elizabeth- A culinary apple which keeps its shape when cooked.
Gascoynes scarlet-A dessert which produces a pink juice.
May they thrive and produce many apples!
"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is now.
Chinese proverb
Dave spotted this last scene, it makes a lovely picture, I have entitled it 'Retired'!