Friday 7 October 2011

Autumn Walk

Just a short post today folks, as I've run out of energy and inspiration. What a dramatic change in the weather from the start of the week, we must have dropped ten degrees at least. On our walk yesterday Chum and I got buffeted by the wind and then soaked by heavy squalls, it was the sort of day when you get a rainbow every five minutes. By the way Chum is well and truly in the doghouse for raiding the bin bag and devouring three stale cheese muffins yesterday tea time, needless to say he didn't get any dinner after that lot so now thinks that nobody loves him any more! Never mind it's Friday which means the supermarket trip and he always gets a pigs ear after that!). If there were any fungi to be found we didn't see them as all of a sudden the ground is covered by a thick layer of leaves and nuts, all we need now is the first frost and it will really feel like autumn. We took delivery of a load of logs late yesterday so let the weather do what it will!

"Bitter-sweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking perfect pause between the opposing miseries of summer and winter"
Carol Bishop Hipps


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