Wednesday 12 October 2011

A Distaste For Design

I'm going to have a bit of a rant today about surveying and being a garden designer, I most certainly am not going to become one. I'd rather stuff my head with the hardest botany than try and make sense of the subject. Before you can even get down to the nitty gritty of plants and how you wish to use them the site survey must be done. This seems to entail measuring things using badly remembered trigonometry, worrying about drains and elevations, and worst of all dealing with customers who will try and short change you at every turn whilst giving you as little useful information as possible, believe me after nearly ten years working in a supermarket I've had a belly full of customers! Admittedly this is the direction in which the money lies but it sounds stressful to me, I'm afraid I wish to pursue a happier if impoverished life pottering about with what really matters, the plants themselves! thank goodness it is only one small part of the course, if I memorise the bare bones I should scrape through the module!

"There is no design without discipline. There is no discipline without intelligence"
Massimo Vignelli


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