Wednesday 25 January 2012

Tuesday Tedium

It was a distinctly dull and dreary Tuesday up at Harlow Carr, the rain beat relentlessly at the windows as we started with propagation and seed sowing techniques, spring and new plant life seemed a very long way off indeed. I wouldn't say the topic wasn't interesting just a bit humdrum and mostly common sense, but the RHS are sticklers for stating the obvious so we must learn to do the same. By lunch time we were all frozen as usual but luckily I'd brought in home made soup which hit the spot, sadly any hopes of a pleasant half hour browsing in the bookshop were dashed as it was shut. The afternoon deteriorated further as we started learning about lawns, that was indeed tedious and I'm wondering if I could risk not studying it too closely and just hope it doesn't come up in the exam? All in all a pig of a day with a dodgy car and cranky teenagers too-oh well the only way is up!
"Having decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labour is immense" Arthur Helps
P.S Happy Burn's night to all our Scottish friends
"Gi'e me a spark o' natures fire that's a' the learning I desire" Robert Burns.


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