Thursday 15 December 2011

Out Of Steam

I have completely run out of gardening steam, Mother Nature really does know best and I will bow to her greater power, after all she doesn't let anything much grow in the depths of winter. I only went to Spofforth on Wednesday to see Diana and Brian and take them a little something for Christmas, we did venture outside for half an hour but the wind was bitterly cold with sleet showers so neither of us could sum up the energy for winter pruning, we retreated indoors to chat and eat hot home made soup. Now is definitely the time for hibernation and inside tasks, I picked up my tapestry the other day untouched since last March. So I'm declaring a gardening holiday, after NC on the 19th I shall not be working for three weeks, goodness only knows what I shall find to blog about!
"Winter is a time of promise because there is so little to do, or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so" Stanley Crawford


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