Wednesday 7 December 2011

Winter Comes To Harlow

It was only three weeks ago that we sat outside to eat our lunch at NC, how things have changed. Our college classroom, frigid at the best of times was like sitting in a deep freeze yesterday, as the morning wore on more and more people were slipping away to rescue their coats from the rack in the hope that warmth would be regained but to no avail, I was mightily glad I'd brought soup for lunch! Even so I still ventured outside at lunchtime and found it only marginally colder than inside but very pretty with the remnants of snow nestling in amongst the plants. Our afternoon session continued with hardy annuals, an ironic juxtaposition given that they are sunshine lovers, it was strange to be talking about sunflowers and campanulas given the outside scene arrayed before our eyes. There is only one more lesson now before we break up for Christmas and I must admit the prospect of some time off is very appealing!
"Winter came down to our home, quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow, and we, we were children once again"
Bill Morgan Jr

A very happy birthday to my dad and son George, xx


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