Tuesday 31 January 2012

Thankful For Small Mercies

Today is the last day of January, Hooray! I can't believe I've been working at Norton Conyers for four months already, however I've got a feeling that our run of good weather luck is about to end. Monday was thankfully dry but very damp and chilly and as we were attending to the sort of jobs that aren't as active and warming as some, we were soon perished. Pruning apple trees requires some thought and a lot of stopping and standing back to see where you've missed, I was so cold I was beginning to wish we were doing some digging! If I thought that was bad the afternoon brought a harder task, it was time to tackle the climbing roses, not the easiest job teetering six foot up a ladder trying to juggle hammer, nails, string, and secateurs whilst reaching above and to the side, knees knocking with height discomfort, thank goodness it's only done once a year!
"The unthankful heart discovers no mercies, but let the thankful heart sweep through the day, and as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!" Henry Ward Beecher.


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