The schools are off for half term this week, so no college yesterday, just the joy of a trip to the opticians with the children, also no Spofforth today as I'm taking the teenager shopping in Leeds. That will no doubt hurt my wallet, but I suppose I mustn't grumble having spent all last months training allowance on a new compost bin. Here it is in all its glory, I hope my little garden can provide enough green waste to fuel it. I disposed of the plastic darlek in time honoured tradition by placing it at the bottom of the drive with a free to good home sign sellotaped to the lid. It had gone by the time we got back from town, it's amazing the quantity of junk we've off loaded in the same way, saving us inconvenient trips to the tip, just the old guinea pig hutch to go now! Due to curtailed gardening activities this week I'm not sure if I'll blog anymore, but keep your eyes peeled in case something interesting occurs, if not I'll be back on Monday.

"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give" Kahlil Gibran
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