Every day at Norton Conyers is a remarkable experience but Saturday turned out to be more so than usual. We started with a lesson in how to service the tractor by changing the oil and fuel filters, not something I would normally find enthralling given my aversion to all things mechanical but bizarrely I found it very interesting. The beast being duly looked after we loaded it up with large bags of sapling trees, stakes, guards and tools and set off to plant them in the woods, the only thing was I had to drive! Now I haven't been behind the wheel for over ten years, and never that of a tractor, I've often wondered if I would ever drive again but I managed, and more to the point I absolutely loved it! So I've been on cloud nine ever since and despite having 180 trees to plant the rest of the working day flew by. Come the summer I will be zooming around the estate grass cutting every week, there's no stopping me now!
"Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them" Brendan Francis
view over the ha-ha |
snowdrop carpet in the wild wood |
A little last minute instruction.......... |
.........and away I go! |
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