Friday 3 February 2012

Snow Business

Everyone is anticipating the big snow event tomorrow, will it actually happen this time? I for one hope not as I'll be gardening up at Norton Conyers, on the one hand it would be lovely to see the place during a white out but not so lovely to get stranded there. I've told Dave to keep a watchful eye on things and if it looks like turning problematic he is to come and get me. Looks like yesterdays Candlemas prediction is about to ring true! Not a lot to report on today, our walk was unremarkable which was just as well because I forgot my camera, it was very cold but the one advantage of that is the enormous amount of mud we normally encounter was rock hard. Today's picture is of hazel catkins in Di's orchard, I'm rather pleased with it, I may be sharing some snowy shots with you come Monday. Have a good and safe weekend everyone and if it does snow make sure you get out there and enjoy it!
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing,wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating, there really is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather" John Ruskin


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