Thursday 29 September 2011

Gardeners Gold!

The spiders had obviously been busy as we took our usual Wednesday morning walk, every bush and branch was festooned with their silvery threads glistening in the early sunshine. The mist hung low over the valleys and it was the epitome of a mellow September day. Diana and I were surprised just how hot the morning became as we worked our way through a list of seasonal jobs, rooting up and composting a few annual herbs and chopping down the squash and one of the courgette plants which was badly affected by mildew. Then we turned our attention to the old compost heap, at least three years old it was like extracting gold (well for us gardeners anyway) and we spread it all over the now empty vegetable beds giving it a good raking in, warm work indeed as we both broke out in a sweat! That polished us off for the rest of the day and we retired indoors for some lunch and a cool off.

"Earth knows no desolation. She smells regeneration in the moist breath of decay"
George Meredith


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