Friday 23 September 2011

Life Is Too Short To.......

It is quickly dawning on me that trying to follow a housework routine is futile. In a weeks time when I start gardening at NC I shall only have three days a week to get everything else done, and when you take off a full day to catch up on homework and research and dare I suggest it, a day off to have a bit of fun, that only leaves one day for everything else like washing, shopping and paperwork. That being the case I feel it is morally wrong to devote anything but the briefest amount of time to cleaning matters! I shall no longer let it dominate my time, but squeeze the odd job in here and there when I suspect that the lack of care is becoming obvious. So apologies in advance to all who know me, time is short and the great outdoors beckons!
PS. That's as much sense as you're getting out of me this week, I'm going to the pub!

"Nature abhors a vacuum. And so do I"
Anne Gibbons


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