Tuesday 20 September 2011

Order Restored ( For A While)

I don't think I paused for breath yesterday, as soon as Chum and I had our walk I went straight into the garden to tackle the bulb and viola planting. I bought nine punnets from B&Q on Sunday as they were reduced to £1.50 each, and due to the deluge we had over the weekend I thought I'd better get them planted before the rot set in, they will romp away when we get a bit of sunshine. Then I cut down the sunflowers Helianthos 'Russian Giant'-they were the seeds I got free with Gardeners World and despite reservations about sowing them at all I was pleased with the result. The heads are packed with fat stripey seeds which will feed the birds and a certain hamster for a long time to come. Then in the afternoon with the teenagers new bedroom furniture arriving at last I emptied the old chest of drawers that has been living in the hall (don't ask!) and reclaimed my old bookcase which is now stuffed to the gills with all things nature and gardening. The house almost looks tidy again, what a relief!

Excellent fungi foraging again this weekend so we'd better have another slide show-sorry!

View Slide show (Opens in a new window, then hit refresh if slide show doesn't start automatically).

"The gaudy leonine sunflower hangs black and barren on its stalk, and down the windy garden walk the dead leaves scatter- hour by hour"
Oscar Wilde


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