Wednesday 21 September 2011


Phew! If I thought last week at college was a brain scrambler I certainly wasn't prepared for yesterday. Richard hit us hard first thing by handing out a list of types of plants we shall be expected to know for the exam, over two hundred different plants in Latin! We then had a quiz on last weeks topics followed by a fairly intensive lecture on plant structure and the parenchyma, sclerenchyma and collenchyma cells which make up the xylem tissue, and phloem cells. Root and leaf structure were next including the descriptive botanical terms used to describe them, light relief came with a stroll around the gardens identifying different forms. On top of all that the magic building which last week opened and shut its windows all by itself, letting in icy blasts of wind, stayed resolutely silent meaning my addition of a thermal vest to my morning attire was a mistake, I was roasting all day. Next week I shall have lots of layers on to cover all eventualities!
Pic- A mild milk cap held by Hannah, see the drop of milk on the left.
"Love not the flower they pluck and know it not, and all their botany is Latin names"
Ralph Waldo Emmerson


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