Tuesday 30th August 2011
I've known much nicer weather in October than the last few days of our supposedly glorious British summer. When I got up first thing yesterday morning the Internet was down, so abandoning any attempts at blogging I stole an hour in the garden before the rest of the household were up. I soon retreated back inside for a body-warmer as the wind was really chilly, but quickly forgot about it when I started to pot up my foxglove seedlings, I will not be short of them next year and am still hoping for some self sown ones too. Next I planted the sweet Williams in two large pots with allium bulbs underneath, I think it will make a good arrangement. The wallflowers are not ready yet and look like they have been nibbled by slugs, but they may well improve as I've moved them somewhere more sheltered. The garden is looking and feeling distinctly autumnal already but I'm hoping we may get an Indian summer as soon as the kids go back, until then I'll just have to content myself with looking at these sunny rudbekias.
"When summer gathers up her robes of glory and like a dream glides away"
Sarah Helen Whitman
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