Wednesday 24th August 2011
Sometimes I wish I didn't have so many people to be responsible for, take Tuesday morning for instance, I'm sat at the kitchen table in my dressing gown having just completed the morning blog, and tidying up a few bills and e-mails. The son appears
"Can Mat come round"
"No it's only 8.30 and the teenager is still in bed and I'm not dressed yet"
"Can he come round at 9.00?"
"N0, we've already discussed having Bilton youth club in the house when Dave is trying to work"
"Oh yeah"
Two nano seconds later he's dressed and out of the door, no breakfast and probably no underwear either knowing him! Bliss think I, a chance to have a shower in peace, no matter how I time it the son always has urgent business with me the moment I get wet. Ten minutes later and I've just emerged and am wrapping a towel around me when Dave hands me the phone,
"Sniff sniff"
"Is that you George?"
"I've cut my hand"
"Sigh, come straight home then"(oh god please let it not be another trip to A&E)
Hurriedly threw some clothes on and went downstairs to find the son sitting in the kitchen dripping blood and tears. Luckily it wasn't bad enough for hospital so a patch up with the first aid kit did the job. I looked at the clock, it was only 9.00am. Set off with Chum for our walk, who as soon as possible found the smelliest pile of fox pooh for miles around and enthusiastically rolled in it-great. Homeward bound stinky dog in tow I was startled by the sudden appearance of Peter the famous Bilton peacock, there really is never a dull moment around here! By the time I got home it was 11.00am,where does the day go? On the plus side I did see some great fungi again, they are a lovely shade of blue that doesn't really show up very clearly on the photo, they are called aniseed funnel caps.
"It's easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities"
Josiah Charles Stamp
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