Wednesday 17th August 2011
We actually made it to the beach yesterday, we found a good base in a cafe where those who wished could venture onto the sand and dip their toes into the sea. In the end it was only the son and myself who did, the teenager declaring that sand brought her out in a rash and could someone possibly shut those damn cicadas up! So we collected a few shells and retreated back to the bar because the heat was pretty relentless, it was more relaxing just to sit and watch the world go by. Took a picture of this beautiful flower but I've no idea what it is called, the plants here are certainly unusual and striking, also noticed this ipomea which far and away outstrips the ones I grow at home. Just two more days left before we must return home, I'd stay much longer if we could send the children back on their own!
"There is indeed perhaps no better way to hold communion with the sea than sitting in the sun on the veranda of a fisherman's cafe"
Joseph W Beach
PS it is called a bird of paradise flower!
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