Thursday 11th August 2011
I gather from the news that both the weather and events at home have been rather turbulent, whilst feeling concern for you all, the reverse is true here in Ferragudo. We spent a very lazy day basking around the pool yesterday and I especially enjoyed that unique holiday sensation of floating on a lilo in the pool, until the boy crept up on me and tipped me off of course. Meanwhile the teenager having applied full make up only ventured into the pool on the understanding that no one should get her hair wet, this was a red rag to a bull as far as the son was concerned, so you can imagine the rest! In the evening we ate in a charming restaurant down the back streets where we were entertained by a local musician, it was a lovely Portugese experience and a bit of an eye-opener for the kids who thought it wonderful. I will try and be a bit more plant oriented tomorrow but I am here for a break after all!
"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air"
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
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