Thursday 4th August 2011
Yesterday Diana and I were supposed to be having a field trip to Harewood House to learn how to bud fruit trees. It didn't happen though because Di isn't great in the heat, it has been very humid for quite a few days now, and it turns out neither are the fruit trees. Hilary from the Northern Fruit Group says the layers beneath the bark need to be moist if the bud is to have a chance of taking, and of course the weather has been too dry for that. Di says we will have a go ourselves later on in the month when there will probably be more moisture about, budding can only take place in August/September before it gets too cold for growth, so we will have to hurry up when I return from our hols. So in effect I spent a very lazy day with the teenager sunbathing in the garden, the son was attempting his first full 18 holes of golf and the sign which reads "George is out, don't knock, don't ring, thank-you",was firmly pinned to the front door, result-peace and quiet. We must encourage this golfing habit it lasts a lot longer than a game of football!
Gardening activities-strimmed and cut the lawn, picked and ate two cherry tomatoes, finish!
Pic- this lovely subtle lemon nasturtium arrived in the garden by chance, it was a hitch-hiker in a punnet of bedding plants, I think I like it better than all the rest.
"The time will come when winter will ask you what you were doing all summer"
Henry Clay
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