Monday 1st August 2011
Today I feel a bit frayed around the edges, just when I thought I was winning the war on organisation for the holidays, disaster has struck. The car broke down on Skipton road (why do these things always happen on the busiest road?) and the AA man reckons we need a new clutch amongst other things. Oh joy, that's going to cost a three figure sum to add to the price of new school uniform, the holiday spending money and my RHS course fees. Not to mention the stress of re-arranging all the carefully made plans for last minute shopping and having the children home for the summer wanting lifts to Timbuktu and back again every five seconds. I'll just have to dig my superwoman hat out of retirement again! Irritation continues in the garden, my French beans have given a handful of excellent tasting beans and then promptly died, the peppers are the size of marbles and the cabbage white butterflies have found the sprouts. Surely I'll have better luck next year when I'm not growing in pots. Dave and I have had to have the optimism talk again, so looking on the bright side at least I'm getting some lovely tomatoes!
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"
Winston Churchill
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