Wednesday 3rd August 2011
We haven't had a lot of luck with our transport arrangements lately and unfortunately this seems to have rubbed off on the boy whose scooter snapped clean in two during a high speed chase on Sunday. Luckily it only inflicted minor injuries and secretly I'm rather pleased as it means there will be no more trips to A&E before the holiday, however it is rather like taking the bat-mobile away from batman and the boys face has been rather long ever since. This is the conversation we has this morning,
"Can you make me some toast?"
"No, you are old enough to do that now"
"But I can't spread very well"
"Then the practice will help"
This was expertly parried by the classic
"Can I have some money?"
"No, remember the car etc etc"
"That's not fair, you gave the teenager some "
"If you had something specific to do I would reconsider"
"I do, I'm saving up"
That last innocent statement is the best way to get an unsuspecting parent to cough up twice, with all good intentions the son will save up for a couple of weeks before forgetting what he was saving up for and blowing the lot on sweets, meanwhile the object of desire has usually been provided! Anyway I don't have to be a mind reader to guess that a new scooter is on the cards. How many more weeks is it until they go back to school? Thank goodness I can escape for an hours peace with the dog every morning, noticed these lovely wild flowers today, common toadflax and devils bit scabious, very pretty.
"Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable"
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