Monday 22nd August 2011
Back down to earth with a bump for the adults at least this weekend, not the children though who melted away like magic when the unpacking and chores started! Saturday consisted of shopping, picking up various small creatures from pet hotels and washing, washing, washing. When all that was finished I had to tackle the garden, in retrospect I probably should have scythed the lawn rather than attempt to cut it with the little hand-push, but I got there in the end! Next I had to bite the bullet and cut the hedge which I should have done before we went away, so that was also a bit of a monster job. There are still so many things that require my attention but so little time left to do them all, I hope things will settle down once the children are back in school. Sunday morning saw Chum and I resume our usual walking route, giving Dave a chance to catch up with "space invaders" before we had to go out for lunch with Aunty Dot over for a visit from Oz. It's amazing just how much has changed down the gorge in the two weeks since I was last there. Mother Nature is producing fruit, seeds and fungi faster than I can record then now, but here are a few pics of the best, Wild cyclamen, not very common so I was lucky to to spot these, little wheel fungus, very small and beautiful so the pic is not mine! Interesting oak gall caused by a tiny boring wasp.
"While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease"
Genesis 8:22
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