Monday 15th August 2011
I can't believe we've been here for a week already, each day passes slowly and indolently around the pool compared with the frantic pace of life back home, but it is just an illusion of slowness. We must make the most of our remaining days here with more of the same! What I have appreciated the most has been the chance to read, something I have neglected to do whilst studying, I had forgotten just how relaxing it can be in its own right. I can thoroughly recommend Edmund De Waal's The Hare With The Amber Eyes (one for your book club Mum) and am also enjoying Bill Bryson's At Home which is a potted history of all things domestic.
Pics-I'd like some of this creeping thyme in my wall garden back home and am quite pleased with the pun! Finally managed to capture a snap of a lizard, they are all very fast but this one seemed inclined to oblige.
"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book"
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