Wednesday 10th August 2011
Well we made it in one piece and without incident for once! The flight was lovely and smooth and the children were beautifully behaved, son reading quietly and the teenager too tired to complain much. The only flaw was our seating companion who by chance happened to meet an old public school chum, both were heavily encrusted with diamonds the size of walnuts and proceeded to list their accumulated assets since school days. These included ponies, places abroad and regular exotic holidays, all the while ignoring their own badly behaved brats with whom they had declined to sit. Still it is a thankfully short flight to Faro so I managed to grit my teeth and survive. Of course I suppose I'm just envious! We arrived and were greeted by a sleek air conditioned taxi complete with ice cold drinks, which delivered us to a modern apartment with much more room than our own humble abode. I think we are going to like it here, also the gardens have plenty to appreciate as you can see from this gorgeous hibiscus. More as the mood takes me!
"You who are ashamed of your poverty and blush for your calling are a snob, as are you who boast of your wealth"
William Makepeace Thackery
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