Wednesday 30 May 2012

Exam Blues

we took two mock exams yesterday, plant science which I just about scraped through and propagation which I didn't. Despite the amount of time I've put into revision all those plant names disappeared from my head like smoke, I must face the fact that it is a distinct possibility that I will fail this exam. Despondency is my new middle name. I suppose if I ignore the housework, Dave, the kids, the dog and eat ready meals for a month, I might cram in enough revision to pass, don't expect any exciting blogs for a while! I guess I should take the mock examinations in the spirit in which they are meant, which is to highlight any areas that still need some work, cheer up Al, you've still got three weeks! On a lighter note our class had a photo session with the RHS photographer at lunchtime, they needed some pictures to illustrate their adult learning brochure so if you happen to see a purple headed nutter pulling up sticks of rhubarb that'll be me!

"Aim at perfection in everything, though in most things it is unattainable. However they who aim at it and persevere will come much nearer to it than those whose laziness and despondency make them give it up as unattainable" Lord Chesterfield


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