Thursday 31 May 2012

A Short Walk

Chum and I took a short walk down to Dingly Dell yesterday morning, mainly so a poor hot woolly dog could take a swim and cool off. It's only down the bottom of our road so I wasn't expecting to see much, therefore imagine my surprise when I realised the little meadow was awash with common spotted orchids, they're not very rare, hence the name, but there is still something about seeing an orchid that thrills me! Then as we approached the stream I glimpsed the unmistakable flash of electric blue that signals the presence of a kingfisher, that's not bad for a run of the mill morning walk!

"In life there is nothing more unexpected and surprising than the arrivals and departures of pleasure. If we find it in one place today, it is vain to seek it there tomorrow. You cannot lay a trap for it" Alexander Smith


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