Thursday 17 May 2012

No Time For Napping

They don't make them like this any more!
Diana and I were lucky with the weather again on Wednesday and were soon working in our shirtsleeves popping back the onions that have mysteriously un-planted themselves. Whether it's the birds or the worms I can't say but we must have had to do it a dozen times at Norton before they grew roots and stayed put. Next we planted royal sovereign strawberry plants between the new apple trees, Di has also sprinkled a mixture of annual seeds behind them where they will look pretty and keep the weeds in check. Then we started a bigger project, clearing the topmost bed in the garden which although containing some unusual specimens has become swamped with couch grass, there is nothing for it but to rescue small grass free clumps and bin the rest, it will take some time before it is finished. My thoughts of a late afternoon snooze were thwarted again when I got home to discover my onion plants had arrived, so I had to go back out into the garden to settle them in, no peace for the wicked!

beans, onions, peas and leeks all settled in!
"There is more refreshment and stimulation in a nap, even of the briefest, than in all the alcohol ever distilled" Ovid


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