Wednesday 2 May 2012

Humdrum Houseplants

It was a convoluted day at college yesterday as we continued to mop up stray bits and pieces that don't fit into large segments. In the morning we looked at houseplants, a topic that none of us find especially inspiring, we must know the basic care for Adiantum pedantum maidenhair fern, Ficus benjamina weeping fig, Euphorbia pulcherrima poinsettia, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, and Saintpaulia ionanthe the African violet, our heads are now well and truly stuffed to bursting point! In the afternoon we tackled machinery and health and safety with an unexpected display of Tai Chi from Richard who says it is a very good way of warming up your muscles before starting any heavy duty gardening. I wonder if it will work on brain cells if we use it before the exam?!

The quote today is the Tai Chi Reiki creed, very appropriate I think,
1.Just for today do not anger
2.Just for today do not worry
3.Earn your living honestly
4.Honour your parents, teachers and elders
5.Show gratitude to every living thing.


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