Friday 29th July 2011
A glorious morning for our walk yesterday and with nothing in particular to do when I got home I could afford to be unhurried. I had a very pleasant chat with an allotmenteer as I passed by and stopped to admire his carrots, at least someone is managing to beat the dreaded fly. Down by the river I was awarded a glimpse of the kingfisher, always a treat but even better in full sunshine which catches the blue streak as he flies by. Followed by a couple of hours sitting in the garden with a magazine, bliss. Then I had a sorry duty to perform, I had to pay my last visit to Southlands. My ex-husband BIG BAD (always to be referred to as BB from now on , he's big, he's bad, he's six foot five of cad!), and his common law wife The Trout ( I use the term deservedly), have thoughtfully decided to take their new brood on holiday the week before we go away and the week after we get back, daughter #1 and son not being invited. BB helpfully pointed out that he was available for one weekend out of the entire summer holidays, I think we will neglect to take him up on that and go away out of spite! Anyway this has left me somewhat short of time and with college starting in September something had to give. I have enjoyed my visits there very much and hope they find someone else to help out soon.
Pics- the first one needs no explanation and the second is an example of my exuberant planting style at Southlands!
"In the hope to meet shortly again, and make our absence sweet"
Ben Johnson