Friday 22nd July 2011
A mornings work of hedge cutting and dead-heading was totally spoilt by my discovery of carrot fly grubs cheerfully munching their way through my crop. I'd thought they weren't looking great, a couple were going to seed so I decided to dig them up and eat them as babies, no such luck they were only fit for the bin. Naively I had hoped to get away without fleecing them, as I haven't grown carrots before I thought the dreaded fly wouldn't know where to find them! I wont be making that mistake again next year. Then I got a migraine, not a bad one but enough for me to decide against going to Southlands, sorry guys but I seem to be running on empty at the moment, I should be back to normal after the holiday. Moving pots and baskets around I disturbed a couple of devils coach-horse beetles, I wasn't quick enough with my camera so don't credit me with the photography! They are quite common but I haven't noticed them in my garden before now.
"No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of his own mistakes deserves to be called a scholar"
Donald Foster
I have been asked for some explanation of who is who from John who has just started to read the blog.
Tate House is a residential and respite care home for the blind. the growing together group consists of Lynne, Jack, Nick, Stewart, Madhu, Leo and myself. I help there on a Monday.
The garden in Spofforth belongs to a lovely couple Brian and Diana, both in their late eighties they are still extremely active gardening, driving and planning an extension to the orchard. Brian is a retired doctor and Diana a zoologist and botanist, I provide a little labour on a Wednesday in return for lunch and lessons!
Southlands is the BUPA care home on Ripon road, they have an extensive and beautiful garden where I'm allowed to dabble in the raised beds planting veg and flowers. Many of the residents like to come out and chat when the weather is kind.
Finally I may mention Sue and the women and farmers gardening association who help nutters like me change career paths after years of fruitless toil!
Hope this helps to make sense of my ramblings.
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