Monday 11th July 2011
Well I'm fast approaching the end of my course, only half a chapter to go before I must submit the end of module assessment, to that end I have given myself another week off to concentrate on getting it finished. On the whole I've found it very stimulating, if a little taxing at times, I just hope I've absorbed all I could have, because in the end the message the OU and Kew , who helped devise the course, feel that "each of us can and should make a difference". So by planning to expand my growing scheme and further my plant knowledge, I hope that in a small way I am indeed doing just that. Craven college release their new prospectus on the 28th July, so as one path ends another appears to lead me off in a slightly different direction. The summer holidays draw near, a chance for all of us to recharge our batteries, but I'm already excited about starting college in September, if only I had known what I wanted to do when I was still a schoolgirl, how much more time I would have had!
Photos, dwarf sunflowers in the valley gardens and home grown beans doing well,
"Be an opener of doors for such as come after thee"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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