Wednesday 20th July 2011
At long last I found the time to tackle my own garden yesterday, using a rare window of decent sunshine I set to work before the showers arrived again. I ripped out the poached eggs that had gone over and also a cystus and achillea that I'd fallen out of love with. Into the resulting gaps went more sunflowers, a salvia and the honesty I'd sown some weeks before. All I need now is something to replace my basket plants with, I can feel another garden centre visit coming on! Feeling well satisfied with my mornings work I took myself off to the pictures to see the last Harry Potter film, as a reward for finishing the OU course, and very good it was too. Interestingly Google have chosen the father of genetics, Gregor Mendal as the subject of their artwork today, he is the guy who worked out the family pattern of peas, a tedious and prolonged life work, but I guess he had the time being a monk, all very apt for botany students!
A couple of pics today, Jews ear fungus good in soups and stews but I don't fancy it much, and dinner time for a garden spider.
"Before the reward there must be labour, you plant before you harvest, you sow before you reap joy"
Ralph Ransom
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