Friday 8th July 2011
The definition of biopiracy is the appropriation of plant genetic material without permission from the owner. Not that I'm guilty of that of course, believe me I've been working at three different gardens for over three months without the thought entering my head! However Southlands is so stuffed full of the most beautiful plants that it was inevitable that I would eventually consider it. I broached the subject with Ruth, who was of the opinion that every great gardener was a thief at heart and that the plant wanted to procreate anyway! I did of course ask permission from Val if I might take the odd bit here and there, and she generously told me to help myself. What great riches await! To start me off I took two small seedlings of mullein (verbascum olympicum), they will eventually look like the magnificent spires in the picture. The next target will be the inula, but I shall have to wait for it to set seed and try to germinate that. Who knows what else will appear as the seasons progress........
"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared"
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