Wednesday 6th July 2011
Well we've had it nice and hot for a few days, but yesterday afternoon you could almost smell a change on the way, and not before time as everything is so dry. Despite a thorough watering the evening before the beans were bone dry again by mid afternoon, but as soon as they set flowers they turn into thirsty monsters, so it's worth sparing them some extra rations if you want a good crop. With rain forecast,it seemed like a good time to practise some good garden hygiene, nothing more strenuous than dead heading and removing dead and dying foliage, but once thoroughly wet that is just what can harbour diseases and mould spores, which will quickly infect your more vulnerable crops like strawberries and marrows. Worth a few moments of your time to avert disaster.
No specific photos to show you today, so I'll leave you with a general garden gallery.
"Tell me how many beads there are in a silver chain of evening rain, unravelled from the tumbling main"
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
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