Thursday 7 July 2011

In And Out Of The Greenhouse

Thursday 7th July 2011

Diana's garden is very long, at least six times the length of mine, but fortunately for us there is a greenhouse half way down, and boy did we need it on Wednesday. Although well equipped with stout boots and a mac I wasn't really expecting the torrential downpours that frequently started out of nowhere, it was like someone was turning the tap on full every five minutes. Now I don't mind gardening in the rain, but even I considered it prudent not to get drenched, so Diana and I would run for the shelter of the greenhouse when necessary. There surrounded by figs we could discuss the gardening world in moist security! Nevertheless we did manage to complete a few jobs, we de-frocked the beans now that the risk of strong winds has reduced and gave the veg a really good weeding; whilst I was covered in mud it seemed like a good idea to plant the last few cabbages, another twelve, that makes a round 100 brassicas in two weeks! A final tweak to the fruit cage net to let a sparrow out and we were done, rain or no rain it doesn't stop the workers!

"Weather means more if you have a garden. There's nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans"
Marcelene cox


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