Tuesday 26th July 2011
The first day of the summer holidays started in typical fashion yesterday, allowing the children a lie in, I tackled the housework I should have done on Saturday, instead of galavanting off enjoying myself. Feeling relieved that the tide of mess had been held off for a little while longer Chum, George and I set off on our morning walk, it was then that I realised just how accustomed to my mornings of solitude I had become. George, under the pretence of keeping me company talked non-stop about X-box games and general drivel to be found on the internet (my blog excluded I hope!), I don't think I managed to focus upon a single thing of interest as my brain went into terminal shutdown. Approaching the end of the walk I made an unexpected detour into the vets for Chum's annual kennel cough treatment, he's had a long walk and should be nice and pliable I thought, foolish woman! As soon as realisation struck he turned into a different dog, tail firmly wedged between his legs and with the demeanour of a whipped cur he wriggled, snarled and carried on until reinforcements had to be called for. This is the dog who runs away from cats whimpering, but reaching into some hidden depths he put up enough of a fight to have to be muzzled, what an embarrassment. Breathing a sigh of relief I finally got home only to be confronted by the teenager, (actually dressed!), with palms outstretched for yet more money and that bored expression we all know only too well. Oh dear it's going to be an awfully long holiday!
"Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers"
William Galvin
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