Thursday June 30th 2011
There was no messing about at Brian and Diana's on Wednesday, the last unfilled vegetable bed had been treated against club root three weeks previously, so it was time to get planting. Six different types of sprouting broccoli and two of cauliflower were planted in neat rows of five, the cabbages having been planted in spare soil within the fruit cage some weeks before. Each individual plant was given it's own protection against root fly by Diana (who has her own personal arsenal of contraband chemicals stashed away!) and the bed was lightly sprinkled with slug pellets. Next the fleece against pigeon attack was draped over central supports and only then could we breathe a sigh of relief that the plants were safe. You really would have thought that brassicas in general might have come up with a better defence against pests than just tasting cabbagey! Overall we planted eighty individual seedlings, some will start to produce by early November, the rest will continue to crop all the way through to next spring. By the time we had finished I thought it looked like a mini Kew greenhouse, and it's contents just as precious to those who will eat them!
"The time has come the walrus said, to speak of many things; of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings"
Lewis Carroll