Monday 27th June 2011
Had two nice walks this weekend, firstly into Knaresborough with Dave and Chum, the weather was still damp but with the promise of heat for Sunday. The only minus were the biting flies as we descended into Conyngham. Decided not to pay too much attention to the housework and catch up with my studies, the result being I'm nearly a week ahead!
Sunday saw us checking out the progress of the crops on the old by-pass near Spofforth, all are looking good, but unfortunately Dave's hayfever did not react well to a country ramble. It was very hot too, but Chumdog has an unerring ability to locate muddy puddles for a spot of relief!
Back to work with a vengeance this week, no excuses now until the holidays, although I do feel more energised again. Photo 2 is a ringlet butterfly on my astrantia, it was very obliging and sat still for a long time.
"The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog"
Ambrose Bierce
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