Thursday 23rd June 2011
It's a pity that the children aren't small any more, because every time I venture into the garden it is like going on safari. I still retain the delight of every bug or creature sighted (although don't look for them in the man made bug hotels, they studiously avoid those!), and fondly remember pudgy little fingers reaching out for some hapless victim. The garden is a lot safer for the mini beasts now that I don't use any sprays, they all seem to be flourishing, today's photos are just from a five minute wander. The lovely caterpillar is the lava of the vapourer moth, the adult being almost totally unremarkable.
I note with interest that those plants given the Chelsea chop are responding with vigour, especially the sedums, I was totally brutal with them, in some cases removing the whole seasons growth, and yet they will grow away again and produce flowers in time for late summer. There's simply no stopping nature.
"The spiders touch, how exquisitely fine! feels at each thread, and lives along the line"
Alexander Pope
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