Tuesday 14th June 2011
It was the big plant buying expedition from Tate House on Monday morning, Jack, Phil and Nick brought their cars with empty boots, just waiting to be filled with the best the local nursery could offer. Lynne and I soon got to grips with spending the budget, and in little over an hour we were back and ready to start planting. I did feel a certain amount of panic because, whilst we had spent an awful lot of money, when we put the plants in situ they seemed woefully inadequate for the space available. However after a lot of fussing and moving things around, we were satisfied with the layout and had convinced ourselves that eventually things would grow larger. Then we hit a snag, my original plan had been to lay a mulch between the plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds, but the only material available to us, donated in quantity by Homebase, just didn't look right in my opinion. We have left one corner in place whilst we decide, but I'd rather see it taken off and the plants allowed to fill out, before we choose an alternative.
I'm skiving off next week for a special spa break, so by the time I get back, the Growing Together team will have made a decision on the mulch, and planted all the bedding plants. Everything will look entirely different again, that's one of the joys of gardening in a group.
"One of the most delightful things about gardening is the anticipation it provides"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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