Wednesday 8th June 20
Some days you just meet yourself going backwards don't you? I now get up at 6.30am in order to shoehorn everything into my day, Tuesday went something like this........
Arose at 6.30, fed guinea pig, dog, birds and kids, made packed lunches, blogged, showered, ran George and friend to cricket day in Knaresborough, dropped off to walk dog on way back,two hours study on plant pigments, lunch, back to pick up kids from cricket, go to bank and pet shop, found an hour to Chelsea chop the garden, made tea, washed up and collapsed. You can't expect great garden wisdom from me every day can you!
To make up for it, here is a picture of our new log store and its proud creator. Burning logs is considered to be carbon neutral and after watching the news last night where they announced 20% home fuel increases, I feel we made the right decision having one fitted!
"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see"
John Burroughs
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