Monday 13th June 2011
I gave myself the day off from studying yesterday, much as I'm enjoying it, my head is so full of facts and figures I feel I never think of anything else these days. Instead I filled my time with some small jobs, splitting the basil and honesty seedlings in the kitchen, whilst listening to Classic FM, very soothing. Equally good for the soul is a little retail therapy, I've been sitting on a pile of garden vouchers since my birthday, instead of rushing off and spending them all impetuously as usual. So when I went to Harlow, I knew exactly what I wished to buy. I'm now the lucky owner of a pair of gold leaf gloves, several more house-leeks for the wall garden, and best of all, a water butt. Soon the garden will be a little more drought proof, it's just a shame we weren't able to set it up in time to catch all the lovely rain that was bestowed on us, still I dare say we will get some more before this summer is over!
"Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium, there is no life without water"
Albert Szent-gyorgyi
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